Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Lexie!

I can't believe it's been a year since our family welcomed Lexie. We were so excited to finally have another girl and my sister in law was especially excited to finally get a girl in their home. She's certainly the princess in our family and she really likes me. Aunt Jo is her favorite. Well, OK, Grandpa probably is, but he cheats because he feeds her ice cream. How am I supposed to compete with ice cream? My sister in law asked me to make Lexie's birthday cake and here it is.
And, because, what would a first birthday be without Lexie's own cake to destroy? Here's a little one just for her. I try to make little cakes from buttercream because fondant is just too hard for one year olds to find the cake. The get bored with it and give up.
Well, I'm off to spend the next 6 hours protecting my creation from my 3 year old and look for my kitchen under all of the cake stuff. I'm sure it's there somewhere. Then we'll go to this sweet girl's birthday party.

Happy Birthday Lexie! I LOVE you.


  1. oh my goodness, those cakes are adorable! you must have spent countless hours on them. i'm so envious of your talent!

  2. Another work of art cake! Not only do you have imaginative vision, but you have the talent to create it--beautifully!!!

  3. Those strawberries look so yummy and so real!!! Said it before and I'll say it over and over agian....amazing!!! I bet little Lexie loved it!! Birthdays are fun but the first birthday is a special one!! I would've loved to see her dig into that strawberry!!!

  4. That was me Chris...Hannah was messin' with my profile!! But she thought it was amazing too!!
