Monday, May 23, 2011

Fully Immersed!

I am fully immersed in THIS and LOVING it. It is MARY Ann Moss' Remains of the Day class and I couldn't be having more fun. We are swimming in scraps of fabric, paper, junk, trim here at our house and I am in heaven! My family might (probably would) disagree as they like eating at the kitchen table and having clean laundry but sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
I have been racking my brain lately, trying to decide what kind of sketchbook/journal I wanted to take on our family's trip to the Oregon Coast this summer. I wanted one specific to our vacation, but wasn't sure, with 2 kids, if I would have the time to fill up a whole book. In my own happy thoughts, I envision sitting on the beach, waterbrush in hand, and painting amazing watercolor sketches of the ocean. That's my dream, but the reality is, this is a family vacation, my kids' first sight of the ocean, and I don't want to miss seeing it all with them. My time will be spent with my family, with the occasional waterbrush. Enter Remains of the Day. It will be the perfect travel journal, with lots of places to tuck pictures and odds and ends from our travels. AND it is beyond fun to make. Above is the cover for my journal. It is made from fabric and trim scraps and piece of a vintage handkerchief that I have been saving.
This is the back. It just screams Jolene and vacation to me. Now I must go back to work (if I must) on the inside pages. I have lots of long saved treasures just waiting to become part of this journal.


  1. Great cover. Whenever I feel down, or just whenever, I start a new ROD journal. I LOVE them.
    I have so much fun making them I never get around to doing anything in them though.
    Of course, you won't have that problem.


  2. You journal cover is beautiful! You have great talent for turning ordinary into extraordinary. You will be able to capture many beautiful memories (and memorabilia) from your vacation in your sketch book. AND best of all, you will be able to preserve picture perfect days in your sketches.

  3. I am glad you are having a blast. Mary Ann is great. I took her spray painting class and then the other one on sewing and so forth. I look forward to seeing your journal.
